Friday, April 24, 2020


 1)    No Lighting ( Room )

2) With Photography Lighting

Assalamualaikum everyone !!! Welcome back to Yaya Kitchen Story Telling 📷. So this time, the content is about analysing a photos . I'm using a fruit photos that i snap myself and i will  differentiate between two photos in term of lighting. For the first photo its looks dim due to the room lighting and when compared with the second photo, the second photo looks more bright and interesting. Its make the fruit can be seen more clear and sharp . The second photo looks  more good in colour aspect compared to the first photo such as the green colour of the apple and the red colour of the red apple . Its make the fruit looks more fresh and delicious .With the lighting, the second photo looks more interesting and can attract people attention easily. By added the lighting to the second photo, the props can be seen clearly rather than in first photo. Compared to the first photo, the fruit on the second photo looks more shiny with the lighting effect and its also create a shadow between the green apple and red apple. In the second photo, the orange also looks more delicious with the shiny effect.

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