Thursday, June 25, 2020


Complete Kuih Peneram 

“Kuih Peneram” is a kind of traditional Malay cakes coming from North Malaysia. But in other cases, there is a information that says “kuih peneram” inspired the cakes from India. This “kuih peneram” are also known as “ kuih denderam”. These kind of cakes are often found and sold in the night market and are among the most popular cakes from ancient times and are still popular untill now. There are people in the community who are willing to travel far away to find and buy this cakes. Rice flour and brown sugar are the main ingredients used in making this kind of cakes  . This “kuih peneram” was really sweet and delicious and it was liked by all generations. Usually this Peneram was famous in Kedah and Pulau Pinang.

When eating this kuih peneram i sure that it will surely bring back our childhood memories. Example from me, my childhood memories is having some of kuih peneram and coconut ice with family in the evening was a great and memorable moment. This kuih peneram be an all-time favourites kind of cakes. But nowadays, it’s not easy to find these kuih peneram because not alls place making and selling this kuih peneram,  So i think why not we try to make the kuih peneram on our own effort right ? 

So here, i put the recipe of Kuih Peneram and you can try to make the kuih peneram on your ownself.

Ingredients :

4 Cups of Rice Flour (Cap Gajah 3)

1 Cup of Sugar
2 Tbsp of Flour
1 Cup of Water
1 Cup of Brown Sugar

Step Making The Dough : 

Step 1: Pour sugar, brown sugar, and water in a pot and put it to boil. Make sure to stir it regularly.

Step 2: Place rice flour and flour in a container and pour part of the sugar solution into the container. Stir the mixture using a spatula. Be careful as the sugar solution is very hot.

Step 3: Add in the rest of the sugar solution into the mixture and mix thoroughly. When the dough is cool enough, you can knead it with your hands. Cover the container and put the dough aside for 5 hours or more. It will taste better if you leave it overnight.

Step 4: Take out the dough and start rolling it flat. Cut it using a donut cutter. (Or as you can see in the picture, you can even use a bottle cap and a straw to get the desired shape.)

Step 5: Fry them in hot oil and take them out once they are puffed.

This is the simple recipe that can make you wouldn’t mind making them over and over again. I'm really sure you will enjoy making and sharing this kuih peneram with your family, friends or your neighbour. I hope you guy will enjoy it ❤ . 

As the conclusion, this kuih peneram is a favorite cakes of all. It can be enjoyed as a dessert or as a special menu that is well-liked by many no matter what the occasion such as can be enjoyed during a birthday party , afternoon tea time or picnic session.

So i will stop here for my writing about this special kuih peneram.See you on the next post.  Have a great day !!! Assalamualaikum

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